Giving Thanks

We have been working on not overcrowding our schedules, so part of that has meant that although I’ve been wanting to get an update posted, I have consistently pushed that task out further and further. And just like that, it’s been two months.

We loved the fall leaves and time in the city with family and friends. Lucie and Felicity dressed up as Mister Rogers and Daniel Tiger for Halloween. IT WAS SO GREAT! We got to catch up with Rob’s cousin Kyle who came to visit with his lovely girlfriend, Jessica. We spent time with Abuela who came up over Veteran’s day weekend. We had a date night at a comedy show that will be a Netflix special some time in 2020. I had two mommy-daughter dates… one to see Frozen 2! We spent lot’s of time with friends and enjoyed a friends-giving at the Thomases where we brought homemade chocolate and apple pie! And Felicity got glasses! We’ve started to see some small improvements so we’re hopeful that the glasses can help her close the gap in her delays.

We memorized a verse together as a family, and it has been a helpful reminder during some tougher moments.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:18

Thankful for all of you! Since it’s been awhile, I decided to spilt my update into Nov and Dec, so I will share more of what has been going on recently in a follow up post… like a visit from Grandma and Abo! For now enjoy these pictures from Nov.


Los Hicksons

Lovely family stroll in the park

Lovely family stroll in the park

Surprise delivery of Pan Sobao, sweet bread from Puerto Rico

Surprise delivery of Pan Sobao, sweet bread from Puerto Rico

Friday twins wearing overalls

Friday twins wearing overalls

Giving solids a try

Giving solids a try

Mister Rogers and Daniel Tiger

Mister Rogers and Daniel Tiger

Mom and Lucie as Mister Rogers

Mom and Lucie as Mister Rogers

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Exploring art from a book we’ve enjoyed this fall

Exploring art from a book we’ve enjoyed this fall

All of us as Mister Rogers and the stroller as trolley carrying Daniel Tiger - we all dressed up for a birthday/ costume party

All of us as Mister Rogers and the stroller as trolley carrying Daniel Tiger - we all dressed up for a birthday/ costume party

Lunch with Kyle and Jessica

Lunch with Kyle and Jessica

Followed by ice cream for dessert

Followed by ice cream for dessert

Lucie and Rob designed the LEGO’s to look like Mister Rogers neighborhood

Lucie and Rob designed the LEGO’s to look like Mister Rogers neighborhood

Trick or Treating!

Trick or Treating!

Lucie’s stash

Lucie’s stash

Leaf confetti! “Celebration!”

Leaf confetti! “Celebration!”

Having a pretend sleepover

Having a pretend sleepover

Silly girls!

Silly girls!

Urban explorer

Urban explorer

Silly buddies

Silly buddies

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!

Abuela’s here

Abuela’s here

Reunion with friends from Nashville

Reunion with friends from Nashville

Rob, Abuela, and Lucie enjoying a special event at the Big Apple Circus

Rob, Abuela, and Lucie enjoying a special event at the Big Apple Circus

Alllll the cotton candy for Abuela

Alllll the cotton candy for Abuela

Meanwhile Felicity and I had a girls hang at home

Meanwhile Felicity and I had a girls hang at home

Tokens for the carousel at Bryant Park

Tokens for the carousel at Bryant Park

Christmas shops

Christmas shops

Hot cocoa

Hot cocoa

Silly dinners

Silly dinners

Changing leaves

Changing leaves

Date night

Date night

Lucie helping with a PT session for Felicity. She says she wants to be a physical therapist when she’s a grown up.

Lucie helping with a PT session for Felicity. She says she wants to be a physical therapist when she’s a grown up.

“We built a fort, Mama!”

“We built a fort, Mama!”

Pizza date with my girl

Pizza date with my girl

She was so excited to drink water from these fancy glasses

She was so excited to drink water from these fancy glasses

Matching outfits chosen by Lucie

Matching outfits chosen by Lucie

Tea party celebration for Alice!

Tea party celebration for Alice!

Happy first birthday!

Happy first birthday!

Lucie-Lyn and I just before Frozen 2 started

Lucie-Lyn and I just before Frozen 2 started

Dressed as Anna

Dressed as Anna

Glasses for Feli

Glasses for Feli

Happy sweetheart

Happy sweetheart

Making pies for thanksgiving dinner

Making pies for thanksgiving dinner

Lucie couldn’t help but sneak a taste of these cinnamon covered apples before we covered the pie

Lucie couldn’t help but sneak a taste of these cinnamon covered apples before we covered the pie

Mmmmmmm! Chocolate!

Mmmmmmm! Chocolate!

Our tree with leaves listing things we were thankful for leading up to thanksgiving like: warm apartments, pancakes, super heroes and more!

Our tree with leaves listing things we were thankful for leading up to thanksgiving like: warm apartments, pancakes, super heroes and more!

Ready to see our friends

Ready to see our friends



Sweet siblings! Thankful hearts!

Sweet siblings! Thankful hearts!