Gone Fishin' and Making Boston Cream Pie Strata

I grew up in Puerto Rico and in Florida, so I am sad to admit that up until a couple of weeks ago, I had never been fishing.  Never.  I have wanted to go for a long time, and I hinted, and hinted and hinted this fact to Robs, but we just hadn't gotten around to it.   Well, earlier this summer I found out that you can go fishing in Central Park!  So instead of continuing to hint, I finally asked Rob if we could go fishing at the Harlem Meer in the Park.  We went on a beautiful day near the end of September.  It was so sunny but not hot, and it was just so relaxing.  I think it's a little funny that my first fishing experience was in Central Park, in New York City! Next Spring, when we are in Florida, I think it would be fun to try to go fishing too.

Harlem Meer

Catch and Release guide

Robs and I getting ready to fish.  Wasn't it such a gorgeous day?

It was so relaxing, just sitting there with our fishing poles.  It felt like we were on a lake somewhere, I kept thinking, I can't believe that we are doing this in Central Park.

It was a great first-time experience for me.

Later that afternoon, I made a Boston Cream Pie Strata for the monthly dinner party we enjoy with the Thomases and Birds.  In September it was Jessa & Richard's turn to host.  Jessa continued to dazzle us with two recipes from Bread and Wine,  Breakfast Quinoa and Homemade Bread.  Meghan brought a great apple and cheese appetizer and I found my dessert recipe from Pinterest (of course).
The recipe called for graham crackers layered with vanilla custard (which, I made from scratch -- that's a Friends reference for ya!), topped with chocolate frosting (also made from scratch).  It was SO good.  The recipe said that I could have used instant vanilla pudding and pre-made frosting, but that the effort in making these items from scratch would really pay off, and it was true.  The smell of the custard as I made it was amazing.  Just thinking about it again, I couldn't agree more.  If you try this, make everything yourself! 

Building the layers...

Top layer, minus the chocolate frosting!  Why didn't I get a shot of the finished product?  Lesson learned, I just need to make this again, I guess?

Fall Appetizer

Apple Garnish for Jessa's Fall Cocktail.  Happy Fall, Y'all!!

Oh, what's this interesting picture?  That my friends, is a GINORMOUS crane, driving north (aka, wrong direction) on 2nd Avenue, right in front of our apartment.  Oh, the joys of the Second Avenue Subway construction.  It will be worth it in a few years, right?

~ Drea